Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Women's & Children's Health & Human Rights Panel, UN-65, SF, 10/24/10

I haven't blogged since May, in part because I have been preparing for the United Nations 65th Anniversary weekend which is from Friday, October 22 through Sunday, October 24. On the 24th which is UN Day, I am happy to be moderating the Women's & Children's Health & Human Rights panel from 1:00 to 3:30pm at the San Francisco Culture Center at 17th Street and Potrero.

If you are interested in being in the audience, advanced registration is requested at http://www.una-sf.org. This is a FREE event, with an optional $10 lunch at noon.

UPDATE: My mother, Marilyn Reynolds, was the notetaker. I will soon summarize her notes and post them here.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Article on the internet HERE

Note: There are a few misspellings--I left this as it was written.

"If we are to believe that banning lipstick and the clack of high heels will prevent sexual assault then we must assume that these things encourage sexual assault. Of course we also have to ignore the fact that sexual assault and rape is not about sex but instead about using power and force over another person. Now if we believe that something as simple as lipstick or heels is all that it takes to excites men to the point of committing sexual assault what are saying about men in general? Do we really believe that they are such savage animals that the slightest thing will drive them to commit assault?

It is often said that feminists hate men, that feminists try to claim that all men are rapists and not to be trusted. Yet stories such as this remind us that it is not feminism that accuses men of such, it is often the very patriarchal societies themselves. When they say that women must hide themselves away, not do this or that, and need to be careful not to do anything to tempt men the flip side of that is that men are so sex driven and irrational that they are ready to attack at any moment.

While it is true that the vast majority of rapists are men, the vast majority of men are not rapists. Unfortunately when surrounded with the constant message that they are it can cause men to absorb that message. Just like constantly telling someone they are worthless makes them believe they are, constantly telling an entire culture of men that they are such savage animals that they would rape at the slightest hint of lipstick sinks in and makes many truly believe it.

When feminists fight the rape culture we are not saying that men are rapists and animals. In contrast by bringing to light examples like this and expecting men to rise above this we are complimenting you. We are saying that we know you are rational, capable human beings. We know that you are not a savage animal controlled by lust. We know that you can be more than the cultural image of men portrayed by patriarchal societies. And because we know that men can do better we expect you to do so.

If that's not love, I don't know what it."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today is National Equal Pay Day

Blog for Fair Pay 2010 Declared by President Obama!

Do you know why Fair Pay Day is on April 20 this year? This date symbolizes how far into 2010 women must work to earn what men earned in 2009. Better than April 28 last year at least. But if you're a "woman of color" or a mom, the date is later.

So what would it mean if there weren’t a $10,662 wage gap? What would you do with a pay increase of $10,662 EVERY YEAR—the average gap in wages for men and women?

Obviously in today's economy this money could REALLY be used, but even in a good economy it could be used to pay off debt, to save for retirement, or I'd personally use it to follow U2 in concert another 74 times.

What is your take on fair pay for women?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Love a Woman

If You Want to Change the World… Love a Woman (BY LISA CITORE)
If you want to change the world… love a woman-really love her.
Find the one who calls to your soul, who doesn’t make sense.
Throw away your check list and put your ear to her heart and listen.
Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-
every winged one, every furry and scaled one,
every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one, every not yet born and dying one…
Hear their melancholy praises back to the One who gave them life.
If you haven’t heard your own name yet, you haven’t listened long enough.
If your eyes aren’t filled with tears, if you aren’t bowing at her feet,
you haven’t ever grieved having almost lost her.

If you want to change the world… love a woman-one woman
beyond yourself, beyond desire and reason,
beyond your male preferences for youth, beauty and variety
and all your superficial concepts of freedom.
We have given ourselves so many choices
we have forgotten that true liberation
comes from standing in the middle of the soul’s fire
and burning through our resistance to Love.
There is only one Goddess.
Look into Her eyes and see-really see
if she is the one to bring the axe to your head.
If not, walk away. Right now.
Don’t waste time “trying.”
Know that your decision has nothing to do with her
because ultimately it’s not with who,
but when we choose to surrender.

If you want to change the world… love a woman.
Love her for life-beyond your fear of death,
beyond your fear of being manipulated
by the Mother inside your head.
Don’t tell her you’re willing to die for her.
Say you’re willing to LIVE with her,
plant trees with her and watch them grow.
Be her hero by telling her how beautiful she is in her vulnerable majesty,
by helping her to remember every day that she IS Goddess
through your adoration and devotion.

If you want to change the world… love a woman
in all her faces, through all her seasons
and she will heal you of your schizophrenia-
your double-mindedness and half-heartedness
which keeps your Spirit and body separate-
which keeps you alone and always looking outside your Self
for something to make your life worth living.
There will always be another woman.
Soon the new shiny one will become the old dull one
and you’ll grow restless again, trading in women like cars,
trading in the Goddess for the latest object of your desire.
Man doesn’t need any more choices.
What man needs is Woman, the Way of the Feminine,
of Patience and Compassion, non-seeking, non-doing,
of breathing in one place and sinking deep intertwining roots
strong enough to hold the Earth together
while she shakes off the cement and steel from her skin.

If you want to change the world… love a woman, just one woman .
Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel.
Love her through her fear of abandonment
which she has been holding for all of humanity.
No, the wound is not hers to heal alone.
No, she is not weak in her codependence.

If you want to change the world… love a woman
all the way through
until she believes you,
until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion,
her wildness have returned to her-
until she is a force of love more powerful
than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her.

If you want to change the world,
lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs.
Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger
and love a woman…
beyond all of your striving for greatness,
beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment.
The holy grail stands before you
if you would only take her in your arms
and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy.

What if peace is a dream which can only be re-membered
through the heart of Woman?
What if a man’s love for Woman, the Way of the Feminine
is the key to opening Her heart?

If you want to change the world…love a woman
to the depths of your shadow,
to the highest reaches of your Being,
back to the Garden where you first met her,
to the gateway of the rainbow realm
where you walk through together as Light as One,
to the point of no return,
to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Women's History Month

Join the National Women's History Project in its 2010 Theme: Writing Women Back into History.


Comments welcome on my page!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Woman -Which Includes Man, Of Course: An Experience in Awareness"

By Theodora Wells
Feminist, Business Communications & Training Consultant
Los Angeles, CA

There is much concern today about the future of man, which means, of course, both men and women -- generic Man. For a woman to take exception to this use of the term "man" is often seen as defensive hair-splitting by an "emotional female."

The following experience is an invitation to awareness in which you are asked to feel into, and stay with, your feelings through each step, letting them absorb you. If you start intellectualizing, try to turn it down and let your feelings again surface to your awareness.

* Consider reversing the generic term Man. Think of the future of Woman which, of course, includes both women and men. Feel into that, sense its meaning to you -- as a woman -- as a man.

* Think of it always being that way, every day of your life. Feel the everpresence of woman and feel the nonpresence of man. Absorb what it tells you about the importance and value of being woman -- of being man.

* Recall that everything you have ever read all your life uses only female pronouns -- she, her -- meaning both girls and boys, both women and men. Recall that most of the voices on radio and most of the faces on TV are women's -- when important events are covered -- on commercials -- and on the late talk shows. Recall that you have no male senator representing you in Washington.

* Feel into the fact that women are the leaders, the power-centers, the prime-movers. Man, whose natural role is husband and father, fulfills himself through nurturing children and making the home a refuge for woman. This is only natural to balance the biological role of woman who devotes her entire body to the race during pregnancy.

* Then feel further into the obvious biological explanation for woman as the ideal -- her genital construction. By design, female genitals are compact and internal, protected by her body. Male genitals are so exposed that he must be protected from outside attack to assure the perpetuation of the race. His vulnerability clearly requires sheltering.

* Thus, by nature, males are more passive than females, and have a desire in sexual relations to be symbolically engulfed by the protective body of the woman. Males psychologically yearn for this protection, fully realizing their masculinity at this time -- feeling exposed and vulnerable at other times. The male is not fully adult until he has overcome his infantile tendency to penis orgasm and has achieved the mature surrender of the testicle orgasm. He then feels himself a "whole man" when engulfed by the woman.

* If the male denies these feelings, he is unconsciously rejecting his masculinity. Therapy is thus indicated to help him adjust to his own nature. Of course, therapy is administered by a woman, who has the education and wisdom to facilitate openness leading to the male's growth and self-actualization.

* To help him feel into his defensive emotionality, he is invited to get in touch with the "child" in him. He remembers his sister's jeering at his primitive genitals that "flop around foolishly." She can run, climb and ride horseback unencumbered. Obviously, since she is free to move, she is encouraged to develop her body and mind in preparation for her active responsibilities of adult womanhood. The male vulnerability needs female protection, so he is taught the less active, caring, virtues of homemaking.

* Because of his clitoris-envy, he learns to strap up his genitals, and learns to feel ashamed and unclean because of his nocturnal emissions. Instead, he is encouraged to keep his body lean and dream of getting married, waiting for the time of his fulfillment -- when "his woman" gives him a girl-child to carry on the family name. He knows that if it is a boy-child he has failed somehow -- but they can try again.

In getting to your feelings on being a woman -- on being a man -- stay with the sensing you are now experiencing. As the words begin to surface, say what you feel from inside you.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Platform for Action on International Women's Issues

The catalyst to me going into feminist activism was when I took a course during my MA called "Women, Policy & Justice." The following is from the International Conference on Women in Beijing 1995. It lays out all the problems and proposes solutions, so I actually lost any apathy I once felt and became determined to make way for change. Below is an example of what the Platform encompasses:

Strategic Objectives and Actions:

* Women and Poverty
* Education and Training of
* Women and Health
* Violence against Women
* Women and Armed Conflict
* Women and the Economy
* Women in Power and
* Institutional Mechanism for the
Advancement of Women
* Human Rights of Women
* Women and the Media
* Women and the Environment
* The Girl-child

SEE HERE FOR MORE INFO: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/beijing/platform/

Rape Language [written by a man]

"Not every man is a rapist, but every man who grows up in America and learns American English learns all too much to think like a rapist, to structure his experience of women and sex in terms of status, hostility, control, and dominance". So says Timothy Beneke in Men on Rape 1982.

Beneke, says a common theme for men who seek a sexual encounter is, "having sex is an achievement; the achievement is gaining possession of a valued commodity; the valued commodity is a woman". He suggests that there are metaphorical structures that represent our different views of sex. First we see sex as an achievement:

SEX IS A GAME: If you PLAY YOUR CARDS right you'll SCORE. Your BEST BET is to go easy or you'll STRIKE OUT.

SEX IS WAR: He got SHOT DOWN while trying to WEAR DOWN HER RESISTANCE because she knew he was always HITTING on other women.


Once consent is gained Beneke says that achievement becomes performing well sexually:

SEX IS PERFORMANCE: You were GREAT LAST NIGHT. He wasn't able to FILL THE BILL, but I got RAVE REVIEWS in bed.


Other metaphors show the woman as a commodity that can be possessed or stolen:

SEX IS A COMMODITY: I never had to PAY FOR PUSSY. Why would a man rape if he could GET IT FOR FREE. She wouldn't GIVE ME ANY, do you know any AVAILABLE women?

SEX IS A POSSESSION: I'd like to HAVE HER for a night. I bet I could GET HER if I want because he's GONNA LOSE that girl.

SEX IS FOOD: What a DISH she was the BEST PIECE OF ASS that I ever had.

WOMEN ARE OBJECTS: She's a cute THING. Check THAT out, she is strutting her STUFF. How would you like a LITTLE BIT OF THAT?

Women are also seen as animals or children.

WOMEN ARE ANIMALS: She's a nice CHICK. What a FOXY lady. Check out the Playboy BUNNY she's a great PET of the month. Let's see if we can shoot some BEAVER. What a DOG. She's a BITCH.

WOMEN ARE CHILDREN: Do you like the GIRLS at the office. Hey, BABY!

Sexual feelings are seen as being out of control and/or violent:

SEX IS MADNESS: I'm WILD with desire every time I see that woman I GO CRAZY.





Beneke says, "The above examples partially illustrate how a significant number of heterosexual men structure their experience of themselves, women, and sex. Most heterosexual men have used some of the above phrases at one time or another, and some men regularly talk that way". He says these metaphors address four basic aspects of sex: status, hostility, control, and dominance.

"STATUS. Clearly, achievement has much to do with status. Performing, triumphing, instructing, winning wars, conquering, and being serviced are all activities that confer superior status. And gaining possession of a valued commodity also gives one status in two ways: one has status over the woman because one possesses her, and one is given status in the eyes of other men.

HOSTILITY. To regard women as commodities to possess is an act of hostility[...]as is thinking of sex as war, triumph, theft, hitting a woman's genitals, a hunt, or possession.

CONTROL. In achieving possession of a commodity, one is trying to maintain control, to control the woman's behavior and control one's own performance.

DOMINANCE. To posses a commodity is to dominate it; to triumph, win a war, succeed in a hunt, win a game, or be serviced by a woman all express dominance".

Beneke then quotes psychologist N. Groth who said,"Rape, then, is a pseudosexual act, a pattern of sexual behavior that is concerned much more with status, hostility, control, and dominance than with sensual pleasure or sexual satisfaction". Works by J. Drake and D. Russel also confirm domination and power as significant components of many rapes.

Our language makes women's appearance a weapon:


As Beneke says, a woman's appearance can, "knock a man out, explode and kill him, strike him, it can ravish him (notice the reversal-SHE rapes HIM with her appearance), it can stun, i.e., hit him on the head and again (twice) it can kill him. Everyone, man or woman, who learns American English and can understand the seven sentences above at least unconsciously understands a woman's appearance as a powerful physical force".

Thus sexual aggression become a way for the man to fight back. "One understanding of the penis as weapon: a means of getting even by inflicting pleasure (sex is triumph) and at least momentarily silencing the power of women's appearance". Of course in this light rape is the ultimate domination and victory over women's power.

Beneke then delves into a "folk theory of sex". "In a metaphor we understand one thing in terms of another; in a folk theory two normally separate things may be so collapsed together that it is difficult to separate them". These terms involve explicit language, if you find this offensive feel free to skip this message.


According to Beneke the following phrases are folk phrases:

Fuck you!

I got screwed by the IRS.

Get fucked! He says:

"We are able to make sense of the above statements because we not only understand sex in terms of aggression and degradation, but because we actually take sex to be that.


And if sex is aggression or degradation, a penis is a weapon.

'Fuck you!' and 'Get fucked!' are both rape insults. In an insult one often verbally wishes on someone what one would like to see happen physically. 'I got screwed' expresses a feeling of violation[...]

Try saying 'Fuck you!' aloud several times. What thoughts, feelings, or images arise? Is there anyone you wish to say this to? In wishing to say this, are you wishing violation and rape upon them? A rapist who uses his penis as a weapon is acting out A VALUE THAT WE EXPRESS REGULARLY [emphasis mine]. A man may never relate to women in a sexually abusive way, but if he uses this language he is reflecting a view of sex as an aggressive, degrading act".

"This language probably will not change till our conception of sex changes. For the present, it is important to know what we're saying and why we're saying it".

At this time I look forward to any comments people might have about Beneke's ideas.


The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm [see link to 1970 article!]

As an Aquarius, I bring water to the people. I like to think water is information. It's about time I brought information to you on female sexuality.

A woman has three genital organs with separate purposes: the clitoris for pleasure--the only body part with no other purpose but pleasure, the urethra for urination, and the vaginal canal for intercourse and reproduction. A man has one genital organ with all three purposes. So the man's orgasm is connected to reproduction, while the woman's orgasm is just for fun. Did you know that the clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings while the penis has 4,000?!

According to zoology, a female human only reproduces 10 percent of the time and she gives no sign of impregnatability to males. Ninety percent of sex for her is bonding. (Both women and men produce a bonding chemical called oxytocin, but women produce more.) For female animals, they do send out impregnatability signals to males and reproduce 90 percent of the time. It is said that humans, bonobos, and dolphins are the only species which have sex for pleasure only.

The "G-Spot" is named after the man (Grafenberg) who "discovered" it. However, all the "G-Spot" (located about two inches deep within the vagina) is...is the back of the clitoris. The clitoris is actually four inches long into the female body! The average vaginal canal is also four inches long. And the average erect penis is six inches long, so the "size matters" argument is gross misinformation. The vagina only has nerve endings at the beginning of the canal, so any size penis suffices. Not to mention, intercourse provides indirect clitoral stimulation at best. Not to compare humans to objects, but "it's the motion of the ocean, ain't the size of the ship." It takes the average woman 20 minutes to orgasm, while it takes the average man two minutes (or the average person 11 minutes).

And you'll notice that sexual circumcision in Africa is about removing the clitoris from the female--they're not removing "G-Spots."

Furthermore, in 70 years of study, experts find that the vast majority of women who orgasm during intercourse do so in a "woman superior" (woman on top) position.

Read more here (a famous article from 1970):

I still agree that the v orgasm is a myth, but otherwise this site is right on:

Minus the vulgar slang, this article is also right on (the woman needs to orgasm first--and BEFORE intercourse):

And for the center of attention:

Destroy Your Porn Collection [and other must-see web material]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html For those who saw U2's Vertigo Tour 2005/2006, you'll remember parts of this being shown on the screen. A great chance for all to read it in full.

National Organization for Women's Feminist Womanifesto

This is the umbrella over all the world's problems. Did you know approximately 50 percent of all pregnancies are UNplanned? As the bumpersticker goes, "A world of wanted children would make a world of difference." In Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth he states that families with more than two children (including his family since he has four children) are part of the problem. It took until the year 1800 for the world's population to reach one billion. It is almost seven billion only 200 years later!

Overopinionated and Childfree
These sites are connected and very informative.

Common Reasons People Have Children...and a few thoughts
See if this doesn't persuade you to be childfree. Before you take offense be sure to read the overpopulation statistics above.

Male Contraceptives
This page advocates men having contraceptives beyond the options of condoms and vasectomies.

Destroy Your Porn Collection
I wrote to the gal in charge of this site. She sent me a bunch of "Destroy your porn collection" mini bumper stickers, and I stick them wherever I can. I've also removed a video from someone's house and a ripped up a magazine in another person's house. Extreme? If change is to occur, we must do the unthinkable. (Be sure to print your wallet-sized Anti-Porn Cheat Sheet here: http://oneangrygirl.net/antiporn.html)

Diamonds are a Girl's Worst Friend: The Trouble with Engagement Rings
I could've written this! Why is it only the woman gets one? Isn't it like she is now bought and paid for? In the interest of equality, let's abolish this pasttime.

Alternatives to Marriage Project
Have you ever thought about how marriage is an unnatural state!? Are you fearful of divorce...or already divorced? As you know, first marriages have a 50 percent divorce rate. Did you know second marriages have a 67 percent divorce rate?! And just because people don't divorce doesn't mean their marriage is happy. Some experts estimate only 5 percent of marriages are truly happy. It's time to change what doesn't work for most people. Let's follow Larry Mullen, Jr. http://www.unmarried.org/people.html

The Name Change Game
If you insist on marrying, there are alternatives in changing your name (or not) and naming your children. Did you know in the first 4,500 years of human history people went by first names only? No offense to individual men, but think of how powerful men feel collectively because their spouse and children take their last name...and how that might lead to men abusing power in general. (Also, go by Ms., not Miss or Mrs., just as men only go by Mr. There should be no indicator that you're married while there's no indicator that he is. Remember...Ms. is not just for widows and divorced women!)

Great solution for couples with children. Instead of one working at home and one working outside the home....

Gender-Neutral Language
Referring to objects (vehicles, land, etc.) as "she" and all living things (people, animals) and God as "he" is waaaaaaaaaaaay out of balance.

Bonding Chemical Produced During Sex!
Women do not need to apologize for feeling bonded and men cannot deny the power of physical joining!

Don't Date Him Girl (should say woman!)
To warn females about cheating males. Can also be used to report and spot abusive ones. Reported males have a chance to refute. Please don't mis-report men you are just mad at.

Are You a HIGHLY Sensitive Person (HSP)?
Skim info. Then take the self test (be sure to follow the directions). I'll bet U2 is an HSP band!

Are you QuirkyAlone or QuirkyTogether?
Skim info. Then take the quiz.

Good News!
Cancel your newspapers and turn off the news channels. Any spiritual advisor would give you this advice! We can find out enough news to get by (without even trying really) and with much more positive angles.

Feminist Books & Feminist Authors
Read one today!

U2 Feminist: what it means

1. U2 fan (74 concerts, see http://bronovox.blogspot.com); fan of feminism
2. You are too feminist
3. From you to a feminist

Any comments welcome (just don't go crazy tonight): U2feminist@gmail.com